
Permaculture Design Course 2018

Permaculture Design Course

Led by Dr. Rod Everett assisted by Mill Millichap
21st June – 3rd July, 2018

This course shows a way to live a mindful life, following an ecological design system that integrates all components of the ecosystem in a holistic approach to sustainable and regenerative living. Taught by our returning leading teachers Rod Everett and Mill Millichap (our 7th year!!). Guest teacher Marios Desyllas (bio / homeodynamic agriculture) will also be offering discussions and support throughout.

80 hours Tuition, held in English
The course will result in a full Permaculture Design Certificate.
The intensive course requires a full attendance, therefore even local attendees are expected to stay on site

Including but not only learning & applying permaculture principles and ethics, group design projects, practical projects, discussions on related Permaculture design and systems of nature, exploring surrounding village, forests, flora and fauna, wildlife and interacting within the gardens whilst staying at Re-Green Ecoculture Centre ~ an active Permaculture Farm. Benefiting anyone who wishes to design and find a new way of living that is in tune with the natural world and the real needs of humans and the earth.
Please also expect to have fun!!

Course fee / Tuition – €490, including food ( vegetarian)
Accommodation / Entire Stay
*Camping €75 ( your own equipment)
*EcoGuest House €220 (shared room, see our pictures!)

Please email for registrations or questions.
or contact Amber +30 6949122813 or Flery +30 6948407233
~ if we dont pick up we are probably gardening!… therefore our preference of communicating is via email.

About Re-Green
Re-Green is an ecoculture center based on a mountain countryside, aiming to actively experience the power of Green living. We are convinced that the world’s problems, the economic crisis, the diseases, the climate change, the pollution etc can be solved by Re-Greening our lives. Re-Green stands for everything… re-use and re-cycle things, reduce waste, refuse in the first place, repair, re-think our actions, re-write the rules, re-view, re-model, re-design, re-invent Life! Re-Green means to take responsibility and to simplify. Re-Green is Permaculture, Sustainable Living, Energy Saving, Self-Sufficiency, Nutrition with Real Food.
Re-Green extends to Meditation, Elevation, Compassion and Unconditional Love to all living beings in the Planet.

The Maloca / shala will set the base location of theory and discussion when not outside – It is a 100sq/metre octagon shala built with local, natural materials. A reciprocal beam structure roof covers the walls and windows hosting different natural techniques and is able to be heated by a very efficient wood burning rocket mass heater. It is entirely built by volunteers, helpers and ourselves and has pillows, carpets for comfort. Located within Re-Greens property it overlooks the green forest on the south and the blue greek sea on the north. We simply love it!

Food Glorious Food
Summertime offers menus of fresh salads and vegetables from our gardens, organic grains, seeds, nuts and local produce. Wood fired pizza is always a welcomed to celebrate. 3 vegetarian meals will be offered per day with coffee, herbal teas and organic fruit available throughout.

Our renovated 250 year old guesthouse offers shared accommodation in cool stone built rooms. Including private bathrooms and cocomat bedding – rooms are of a spacious setting, accommodating 3 – 4 people in each room.
Alternatively the option to camp includes views to the sea and is situated on various levels to offer privacy and quietness under the stars with fresh water and dry toilets, 2 showers with hot water and bathroom facilities are also available.

Other facilities include our hangout / communal kitchen area and lounge, natural swimming pond, nearby waterfall – 10 minute walk to cool off in the break and shaded hangout areas around the edible gardens.

Re-Green is located in the beautiful scenic village of Seliana, Greece. Easily accessible, it is 160 km from Athens in the Northern Peloponnese.How to get to us?.. Simply take a bus from Athens airport to Akrata ( approx. 2.5 hrs). We will arrange pickup times on the arrival day from Akrata, the closest beach town to us, according to arrivals of participants

Our wonderful teachers –
Note from Dr. Rod Everett
I was brought up in a beautiful valley surrounded by wise trees, talkative birds, inquisitive mammals, fleeting butterflies and the musical River Roeburn. They have taught me much over the years along with dog companions, who have shown me hidden places and allowed me to interact with nature. I have been very privileged to still be living in the same valley as I played as a child.
Lea Harrison ran a teacher training course and advanced design course in our house in 1990. This started most of the UK Permaculture design teachings – out was a great course.
Later I participated in a creative teaching course with Skye. This really inspired me and has been the stimulant for my teaching technique. Whole body learning enables the permaculture principles to become an integral part of your life.
My great friend and co teacher Mill MilliChap brings his knowledge and skill of growing food for many years and living a thoughtful and simpler life. He always adds his wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm for life to our joint courses.